custom bangle bracelet with engraved initials-WWJD x HWLF | ELASTIC 3-PACK

Option ELASTIC | 3-PACK 25% OFF | TWO 3-Packs // 6 Elastic Bracelets 50% OFF | FOUR 3-Packs // 12 Elastic Bracelets


  • 1x Mauve  Reversible/Two-Sided Elastic Bracelet
  • 1x Sand  Reversible/Two-Sided Elastic Bracelet
  • 1x Green Reversible/Two-Sided Elastic Bracelet
 What Would Jesus Do?? πŸ‘‰ He Would Love First - HWLF 😍
These Bracelets serve as a perfect reminder to ourselves of the Love of Jesus, but also can be used as an easy way to spread the Gospel of Jesus! 
Let's Spread Jesus' Love Together! 

        Heart Behind Design

        "What Would Jesus Do?” has always been a common question amongst Christian culture. Let’s be people who put action into answering that question: He Would Love First

        So many times in our lives we have struggled starting conversations about who Jesus is. We want to change that!

        It's amazing how many times these 4 letters cause someone to ask "what does HWLF stand for?", allowing us to talk about the simple gospel to strangers everywhere!

        His love brings conviction, transformation and reconciliation!

        While we were still sinners God sent His son to reconcile us back to the Father! This is the best news ever! This news will change your life from the inside out! 


        Elastic: πŸ‘Œ Stretchy to fit all wrists!  


        7085 West Northern Avenue Glendale Arizona 85303